Handmade Market NoCo Terms and Conditions for Vendors
Thank you for choosing to be a part of Handmade Market NoCo (we/us/our).
By applying to participate in the markets you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
1. Definitions
“We/Us/Our” refers to Handmade Market NoCo
“You/Your” refers to You personally and/or Your Company and (if applicable) any staff, contractors, agents or representatives that have paid to have a Space at our markets (Space) to display and sell your goods
“Vendor” refers to any person and/or company who has applied for a space at Handmade Market NoCo under these Terms and has been alloted a Space and includes any staff, contractors, agents or representatives that participate at Your Space.
2. Your Application
We will assess your vendor application for suitability. We are looking for a variety of vendors and will try hard not to duplicate categories. We reserve the right to decline any application that we deem unsuitable at our sole discretion.
3. Registration fee
Once your vendor application has been accepted, the vendor fee must be paid in full, unless other special payment arrangements have been made.
Failure to pay by the deadline set by us will result in cancellation of the approved application and/or affect your ability to participate in any of our future markets.
Paying after the deadline, will result in a refund minus processing fees, and cancellation of your spot.
The vendor fee does not include the use of furniture such as spaces, racks, or chairs. You must provide your own.
4. Cancellation
In the event, the Handmade Market NoCo cannot be rescheduled and must cancel a Market due to circumstances beyond our control, 50% of booth fees paid, minus processing fees incurred by us, will be refunded. Circumstances beyond our control may include but are not limited to local public health or pandemic restrictions, extreme weather conditions, power outages, gas or water leaks, or other venue related restrictions. We will do our best to reschedule the Market at the earliest date available before making the decision to cancel. If a Market is rescheduled or canceled all Makers will be notified immediately. If we are able to notify Makers before booth fees are collected we will do so. We understand for many reasons, Makers may need to cancel their participation in one of our markets. In the event a maker must cancel their participation in the Handmade Market NOCO, the maker forfeits their fees and their spot in that Market for the market scheduled. Makers are not permitted to sell or trade their space with another maker.
5. Electronic Funds Transfer at Point of Sale – EFTPOS
We do not provide EFTPOS facilities for individual vendors and recommend that you provide these facilities yourselves.
6. Term
Vendor spaces are rented on a one-off basis only. Prior acceptance into a market does not guarantee a vendor space at any future markets.
7. Customer Flow and Sales
We’re dedicated to creating lively events where vendors and attendees can connect. While we work hard to support a positive atmosphere for networking and sales, we can’t guarantee specific levels of foot traffic, transactions, or sales.
Attendance and purchasing decisions can vary due to factors beyond our control, such as weather or broader market trends. We encourage all vendors and participants to keep these natural fluctuations in mind.
Our focus is to provide a welcoming platform for interaction, promotion, and exposure within each event’s scope. By joining, vendors and participants acknowledge this understanding regarding turnout and sales outcomes.
8. Non-transferable
The right to hold a Handmade Market NOCO space must not be transferred, sold, assigned or sublet to any other person, month, or company without our prior written consent from us. In the event that we do consent to your rights to hold a space being transferred, sold, assigned, sublet or otherwise to any other party, you warrant that the party who is receiving these rights must agree to be bound by these Terms and You agree to assist the Handmade Market NOCO in procuring such an agreement if required.
9. Sharing Your Space
If you wish to share your space with someone else that has not been approved by us, you must seek our prior written consent and provide us with the full details of the Additional Vendor including: Name of the additional vendor, their full address, company name, phone number, and business phone numbers and a detailed description of their business, goods and/or services. We reserve the right to charge an additional fee if You wish to share your space with someone else who was not originally approved in your Vendor Application.
10. Responsibility for damage
You are liable to pay for and indemnify us against, any damage caused by you, your staff or your representatives to your allocated space or to the venue in which the market is held. Along with any damage or injury caused due to a Vendor’s products not complying with any laws, regulation and standards or malfunction or not being fit for the its purpose. Further, You are responsible for obtaining any relevant permits and/or license to operate Your Space and sell products.
11. Space set-up
Set up times will be an hour before the market opens. Space positions will be allocated in advance. You agree to not change Your position within the market without our prior consent and setup only within your allocated space. All vendors will be allocated a Space for their market in advance at our sole discretion. However, if You have a special requirement for a particular location or space, please let us know and we will use our best endeavors to take that into account. We take a number of factors into consideration when allocating spaces including the types of products that You will be selling and special request that you have for practical or technical reasons.
12. Risk
You understand and agree that it is Your sole responsibility to take all due care and diligence to prevent injury and property damage to You or any other third party including, but not limited to, visitors to the Market. The Market is not responsible for any lost or stolen merchandise. Each individual vendor is responsible for their own merchandise, products, & any other personal belongings.
13. Insurance
You are responsible for providing your own insurance. Handmade Market NOCO does not offer vendors insurance or endorse any one insurance company.
14. Sales Tax
All vendors must possess a valid special event licenses to vend at Handmade Market NoCo Events. You are responsible for getting the State special events permit and collecting and remitting your own sales tax (State/County/City).
State law requires vendors selling at events, must have a special sales tax license to collect and submit state sales tax (usually one month after the event).
Paying applicable sales taxes is the responsibility of each vendor. Handmade Market NoCo is NOT responsible for remission of any taxes on behalf of vendors.
Tax rate for all Fort Collins events is 8.05%
Please see the links below for more information.
The State requires vendors to file a special events application, even if you hold a state sales tax license.
Fort Collins requires a temporary sales tax license if you don’t have a sales tax license.
15. Dispute resolution procedure
We do not get directly involved with any disputes between Vendors. By participating in the markets You agree that the details of any such Disputes shall be Confidential Information for the duration of the market. Further, You must endeavor to resolve any disputes through Your own independent means with the other party, whether that be Vendors or otherwise. To avoid any disruptions to the market, if any disputes with other Vendors arise, we ask that You deal with these matters outside market hours. In the event of any disruption or if any Vendors become verbally abusive to others and the circumstances are not immediately rectified after notice has been give, we reserve the right to require You to pack Your Space and leave the premises. We are committed to encouraging a creative endeavor and original products and safeguarding Intellectual Property Rights. Should a dispute arise relating to products sold at our Spaces (or related marketing material), while we will not adjudicate in relation to that dispute, we reserve the right to request that a Vendor remove the products or items for sale which are in dispute from display and not trade with the products for the remainder of the marketing hours.
If you have any further questions or feedback, you may contact us at any time.
Updated: November 2024